The Original 9/11, Chile’s Military Coup

She was eleven, and she didn’t understand why everyone was frightened. She was eleven, and could not feel her country boiling beneath the surface.  She did not understand the old men arguing on the television, or the strikes of the businessmen.  She couldn’t see the increasing costs of food and fuel, but she could feel…

Nuestra Señora de La Paz

The land was thirsty. The land was weary. The land was cold. The valley expanded evenly in every direction, a combination of hard packed dirt, withered mountain plants and exhausted rocks. Everything was dust; it blanketed the parched valley, writhed in swirling columns, and pulverized the earth. A barren gust assaulted the land, frigid and…

The Hometown of a Revolutionary

He stood at the bow of the ‘Granma’.  The boat rose and fell upon rolling waves as it pierced through the heart of the Gulf of Mexico and across the Caribbean.  He stood with both hands upon the railing, a specter of what he would become, disheveled yet immaculate, devoid of the shoulder length mane and unkempt beard…

Brendon, meet pisco

At the prescribed hour they congregated, sun kissed faces trickled into the room single file.  Thin streams of sweat veined through the dust that masked their lined and weathered faces. Foot-sore travelers entered from the street and the good-natured regulars slapped each other on the backs as they drank.  Each took their place among the…